Shadow People, Astral Spiders, & Hypnagogia


So what are Shadow People, Spiders and Beings?

We all know what spirits or ghosts are, so I suppose we can place them in that category except, there is no proof that these beings are dead, are repetitive echoes, a haunting or formless.

They appear void at times if not strangely solid. By solid, they are still dark as Shadow but an even blacker color outlines their features.

One of the most common sightings has been the figure of a man or someone in a cloak. Sometimes they are seen wearing a hat or hooded sweat shirt. Whatever they are wearing, they lack color.

Imagine– you are staring into an actual person who is nothing more than solid smoke or even slightly transparent at times. The strange thing is, you can catch detailed outlines concerning their face or clothes.

It’s hard to think that anything which appears to be solid or merely bleak can have any sort of outline about it. But people have reported that at times they can make out their features clearly as well as the smaller details of their clothes. Some reports claim they have glowing eyes, mostly red. Some reports claim that they act unaware (as if you are not there)– as if passing from one room, while others claim these beings have had their attention directly on them.

Many reports claim that the energy or feeling in the room changed to something fearsome. Other reports claim that the person witnessing this act was attacked, unable to scream, or paralyzed.

Now before we fix our minds on a notion of fear—let’s reserve that until later because I have some theories of my own.

When do these sightings happen?

I call it the Twilight (No, Stephanie Meyers has nothing to do with this) but a more technical word is Hypnagogia. Basically, it is known as a sleep paralysis which has the attention of many doctors and scientists who are studying it. The easiest way to describe it is–

You go to bed, close your eyes, go to sleep.  Only you do not sleep deeply nor are you fully awake. You are stuck somewhere in between.

Now do not confuse this with sleep walking. That is NOT what it is. People who experience this are completely aware of everything that is going on around them. They can sit up in bed, walk through their house, pet a dog or see their wife or husband sleeping beside them. They can talk and interact even though their minds are not fully awake.

So what is so different during this time that they seem to think they’re partly asleep? Good question.

Even though they can interact with their normal environments, not everything is the same. It is as though they are lingering between two worlds. Their subconscious mind is in equal balance with their conscious mind.

Meaning, they are open to whatever may come, eyes open beyond the veil but their conscious minds do not have the draw backs–jerking them out of this moment or to prevent them from seeing, experiencing, and interacting with whatever may be.

This is when some people experience the Shadow Beings, Spiders, or other types of Other Worldly phenomena. It is NOT the only time, but this is a common one, as well as wide spreading.

Now it should be known that Science and Doctors have their own explanations of this but NOTHING is for certain simply because they’re pretty much clueless as to what Hypnagogia is and what these people are really discovering during this phase. The experts are blaming it on sleeping positions, among other things, saying that if someone sleeps on their back– that this is what causes it.

Now it should be noted that I did say above that this phenomena is becoming widely spread. That doesn’t mean  it did not exist before. I think because of the internet and the loss of fear in speaking about these things has made it possible for others to realize that they are not alone.  It should also be mentioned that Shadow beings have been reported since Ancient times but we will get more into that later.

A direct quote from Wikipedia concerning Hypnagogia:

Early references to hypnagogia are to be found in the writings of Aristotle, Iamblichus, Cardano, Simon Forman and Swedenborg.[11] Romanticism brought a renewed interest in the subjective experience of the edges of sleep.[12] In more recent centuries, many authors have referred to the state; Edgar Allan Poe, for example, wrote of the ‘fancies’ he experienced “only when I am on the brink of sleep, with the consciousness that I am so.

So you see it is not new by any means, only our awareness of it since we still seem to be in the Dark Ages concerning anything other than what is socially accepted. Being taught not to believe in such things or that it is against some sort of religion– has really blind sided us I think. 

Let it be also known that during Hypnagogia or what I call ‘Twilight’, Shadow people or beings are not the only thing experienced.

Many people claim that they have got up from their beds, walked out the door to new or past worlds. Some have experienced or revisited past lives or countries.

One woman I read about, reported standing by her bedroom window, waving to people who were passing by outside her home. They stood there waving at her while she waved back at them. At some point she snapped out of it, finding herself standing there waving– only the people she remembered in every detail were no longer present.

Other people report having long conversations with deceased relatives who are possibly standing by their bed or sitting in the same room with them. Some people claim that they are visited by those who are not dead. They have absolutely no idea what they are, but they do know death did not bring them to their bedrooms.

Now even though Twilight is not the only time this happens, this is one of the biggest reports of the Shadow Beings that people claim to experience. Possibly because our minds are so open during this stage and we can see beyond the Veil—my theory.

Now the down side–some people say that they are attacked. That this black mass or presence paralyzes them so that they can not move or even scream.

Others claim that they are not attacked but wake up finding these beings standing over them, simply watching which may be how they came to be called, ‘The Watchers’.

One woman I know claims to have woken up, been fully awake, while a young man in a hooded sweat shirt swept through her room and went out the window. Now she did not think that he jumped, but simply  leaped through his doorway, to where ever he came from. This woman has had this happen quite a few times, same boy, same details (except the exit)– only she was not experiencing Twilight during any of those times. In fact, she told me she had never experienced Twilight. She sees them wide eyed and awake.

So you see Twilight is not the only time you can experience this.

Many reports say that they were standing in their kitchen (or somewhere), felt the energy or the room temperatures change, caught something in the corner of their eye, turned around quickly and the Shadow Being was standing there, watching them.

Shadow or Astral Spiders

People claim to be sleeping or rather Twilight, while watching these HUGE spiders of abnormal size crawl around their beds, glide down over their heads from webs and so on.  By big—sizes ranging from fat puppy size to smaller.

At times they see smaller ones but it is usually the bigger ones that cause them the greatest shock and fright. It is usually scary enough to snap them out of the Twilight completely, where the spiders are then gone.

There hasn’t been to many people offering them any enlightenment concerning this. In fact, I was shocked that on these forums that I researched, to find that quite a few people who rattled away concerning their belief in the Shadow People in other threads, literally make fun of the people who were seeking answers concerning the spiders.

Unfortunately I can not give anyone any hard crusted evidence here but I can explain some common points about them.

One, you do not have to be in twilight to see them. Some people will see them there, wake up completely to find them still in their reality—fading away.

Two, no reports of anyone being bitten.

Three, no reports of anyone being attacked.

Four, some believe they are other dimensional.

Five, others don’t have a clue as to what the hell they are, although freaky, they don’t seem to be harming anyone or anything.


Well I hope we have touched based on some of this as I will probably write more about it later.


However, let me leave you with this question…

Have YOU had an experience with any of these Paranormal beings that you’d care to share?

443 thoughts on “Shadow People, Astral Spiders, & Hypnagogia”

  1. First off, I’d like to begin that I am very well educated, have a professional career, & no psychiatric history. If I told anyone I know what has been happening, I would loss all credibility. I am plagued with nightmares every single night. So much so I no longer sleep in my own bed. I have slept on my couch for the last 2 months since the dreams don’t seem to be as bad when I sleep there. Generally, they are dreams of being stuck in another reality where I’m physically dying. Tonight it was a rocket launch going 60,000 miles an hour & feeling my body being torn apart. Whenever I awaken, I see a large black shadow spider crawling across my ceiling. At first I thought it was my imagination & I’d blink, it would still be there. If I looked at another spot on the ceiling across the room it’s not there but when I glance back at the spot I last saw it, it’s there. I command it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ & it skitters away usually into a corner or under a light fixture & it disappears. When I go back to sleep & have another nightmare, I wake up, & it’s back watching me. I truly believe that the spider is what’s causing the horrible nightmares. I’ve seen it for minutes at a time & even my dog seems to notice it. It’s large, I’d say the size of a small melon. I can very distinctly make out 8 legs it’s body, it crawls just like a normal spider but it’s form is a shadow that you cannot see through. A few times the spiders have even had a red glow around them, but this is if I see them in the daytime after a nap. I’m relieved to know that I’m not the only one experiencing them. I’ve been seeing the spiders after my nightmares for at least a year & ONLY see them after bad dreams.

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    1. I can only remember seeing them once in my life. I was six years old. I woke up early to find my mother having just awakened about to change. She told me to go back to sleep, but I refused. I remember that this annoyed her. What happened next was confusing . It seemed she had morphed into a giant black shadow spider about the length of three people. It pinned me to the bed; I couldn’t move , and I never even thought of calling for help. I now believe I experienced a loss in time; my mom didn’t morph into that thing. It just seemed to probe me. I highly recommend, because it works for me, the moment you feel it coming, claim in the name of Jesus authority over it, ask Jesus to bless your home, let it know it is not welcome in your home or life. With righteous anger, banish it. I use a Benedictine medal or rosary where I think it may approach. I’ll keep you in my prayers.


    2. Hi!
      I am so intrigued by your comment (see my own below). This is not something to be afraid of. I think that you have a gift. I know it is scary but I have had dreams where I also see through the eyes of others. The spiders I have seen do not seem harmful. I don’t know what they are but I also see a spider shadow crawling on my walls. This is amazing isn’t it?
      Dream Prophecies


    3. My wife has been seeing exactly what you described. She even wakes me up and asks if I see them. I did not at first but last night I woke up around 3:15am or so and I observed a spider like creature crawling across my ceiling and went into my light fixture. It was exactly as you described around the size of a small melon, black blob like with small legs where it scurried under the light. I then got up, turned on the light and nothing was there. I looked again an hour later when I woke again and saw nothing. Some strange sensations did come across my body after observing it but maybe more to being scared.
      I have other experiences as well with my mattress being pushed by my feet and head so I am convinced some type of spirit is here. I plan to cleanse my home and have contacted a Medium to come here in a few weeks. I need to know if these spirits mean any harm.


    4. I have seen them on my ceiling going back a few years ago sometimes there’s a few or a large one I sleep with the lights on I use to see shadow people about the time when my husband got diagnosed with cancer they were always leaning over the top of me I see them and start screaming husband waking me out of the fright it happened many times since hubby passed tv stays on in my room and havnt seen for 7 years since hubby died 🤷‍♀️


    5. So for the very first time last night I woke up at exactly 3:33 in the morning happened to look in the corner of my room and I seen a extremely large black shadow spider like this young lady explained you can see it’s eight legs of very well you can see its body I immediately jumped out of bed scared to death grabbed my flashlight flashed my light around the corner of the room how to put the lighting on it was gone come on when I turn my flashlight off it was back I jumped out of bed again flashlight against my ceiling again nothing I begin to think it’s a shadow of a spider walking somewhere around in my room casting onto my ceiling that looking for the spider cannot say it my back down in my bed telling myself I’m craving hallucinating it’s really not there I’m crazy so I’m laying there and I can’t stop staring am I feeling and I am literally watching the spider crawl around the corner of my room down the next wall back to the same corner but then I was like a smaller one was climbing on my curtain rod but this was like an very dark black black ribbon with a Shadow Wood give off I am completely freak out like freak out I walk out with my garage to go smoke a cigarette to try to get my head together and as I’m smoking my cigarette barely cleared iced tea bottle sitting in my garage floor and I can watch the spider not quite as big as the one in my room the one of my room looks like the size of a melon look like tarantula on steroids this one with like probably a little bigger than what a normal tranchilla would look like kept going over there looking at the bottle see any spider I sit back down I keep staring at this bottle cuz I’m scared and I keep seeing the shadow spider proceed to sit in my garage and pray to God please protect me cover me in a circle of angels around to protect me from whatever this is cuz at this point don’t think I’m hallucinating go back in my room scared go to bed insane big old tarantula spider still in my room so I close my eyes I lay down and I continue to pray to God asking him please just let me go back to sleep please protect me while I sleep they just protect me Lord this was the very first night I’ve ever had this happen to me and the reason why I know it’s 3:33 exactly in the morning is because when I jumped out of bed I looked at the clock what time what’s the time maybe I just won’t go back to sleep just be up for the day I truly hope that it doesn’t happen again it really scared me I’m terrified of spiders if anybody knows what this is or why it could be happening I would love to hear all answers


  2. I just had annoying nightmare, I died there in my dream, I suffocated cause somebody took off life saving tube out of my lungs, whatever. When I opened my eyes I saw a huge spider crawling out of my feet, it was running away from me, like it was scared – a typical behaviour of a spider you want to kill. It walked on the wall and started to quickly go up and up until it disappeared in the roof. It was odd, not only because it was big like a chihuahua dog but it was half see through, like made of a shadow. A shadow spider. But I saw it very well since I left the light on. And I was fully awake after waking up and I still saw it walking on the wall even after 5 seconds, I had enough time to think if I should chase it and try to kill it. But it’s hard to kill a shadow, right? so I gave up on that idea. Now I regret not chasing it. But again I’ve never seen anything like that before and when I saw it, I was busy thinking if it’s real. I don’t like it, I mean it was running away from me like a culprit who caused that nightmare. I hate paranormal shit. If this happens again I’ll go to the priest. Just wanna let others know, share my story.


  3. This goes out to Tracy723. You are not alone. I have never experienced anything like this in my life until I hit my 30’s. The way you describe them are similar to mine as well. I’ve been awaken by a cough and it will be free floating on my ceiling. Except it has a movement as it was floating in water with several floating looking like legs and it seems to move in one direction. Almost like an octupus under water. It’s solid but I see it with trends and strands of black that make it look like a mass. It will stay there for a bit, then it becomes smaller and smaller until it disappears into a corner of the room. I’m not afraid of it but it’s strange that both times a cough awoke me to see it. The first time, it was a string floating from my curtain and flew off towards the corner of my room and thought nothing of it as my curtains were black and my window was open thinking my curtains were falling apart. I’ve been told they may be lucid dreaming but now I think it might be something more. Best of luck to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I realise you posted this a while back. In my previous house with my ex I would wake up and see these floating octopus things. Black in colour they would hover above the bed. I knew they were watching me. I was never scared but I woke my ex when one landed on him and he caught it but it slipped out of his hands. Now I have moved I don’t see them any more but on waking before I open my eyes I can see like shadow people moving very fast. Sometimes on horseback, sometimes coming out of the ground. These do scare me. I don’t know what it all means but I do believe there are different dimensions and portals to other worlds.


  4. I was having a dream about falling down in a cave and feeling something bite my lower back. I wasn’t sure if it was a spider, scorpion or snake. I felt the actual bite and it woke me up. When I opened my eyes I looked straight up to the bedroom ceiling and saw this huge black shadowy spider, about the size of a football, walk across the ceiling down the wall and out the window which was through the blinds. The shadow stayed on the outside of the window for several seconds. At the same time as the spider was moving I also saw all these falling bubble-like shadows on all the walls of my bedroom. With in three minutes everything was back to normal, however, I was fearfully wide awake.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi,

    I really enjoyed this article. I love your style and think you’d probably like my page too. I have often woken up to find a shadow of a spider moving along my wall. It is always very slow moving, but it has been in my vision several times, more regularly recently. It just slowly moves along and then slowly fades as you described. It has happened in multiple addresses. I have lay in bed and watched in amazement at this creature(s). They seem to be tarantulas, and are definitely the same size and shape. I’ve never seen larger or smaller than that. They are shadows and do not appear 3D in any way.

    I also had an experience with a shadow person lacking colour. The great thing about the experience is that my ex housemate also felt they were being watched from the chair where I saw the man, but they never saw him. He was gray and of Arab appearance. The man wore a tracksuit or hoody. He sat there by the side of my bed and looked at me with no emotion. I’ll have to write about the experience as it’s quite a long story.

    Thanks for your article. I’ll be following your stuff more now. Thanks a lot for your open and honest approach which shines through in your work.

    Dream Prophecies


    1. I just want to add that I have dreams where I have seen others die through their own eyes. It seems that others in these comments also mention seeing through someone’s eyes. I think the spider is linked to this somehow. I write about psychic visions at dreamprophecies dot com. Let’s all share more!


  6. I have had a time where I was sleeping but I have woken to see a black spider size of small dinner plate and I was blinking thinking it was my eyes playing up so open and shut them but kept seeing it and watched it crawl above my bed and eventually disappeared and for many years I had dreams where I have woken up screaming seeing a man in black leaning over me in bed use to happen often but at the time I presumed I was under pressure because my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer so it it down to stress but thing is he has passed 7 years ago now and have only ever had the dream once since but I must admit I don’t sleep in a fully dark room anymore I have my tv running with family photos running thru from google chrome cast which has stopped the night terrors of shadow people and shadow spiders many years ago a psychic told me I had an ability if I learnt to use it properly but I don’t like the feeling that maybe something will be stuck with me I live on my own and I must admit I do fear these feelings and visions this is my story same may think we are crazy but I know I am not and also my son suffers with sightings of shadow people not sure if he has seen the shadow spiders and he is one that wouldn’t even watch a scary movie ok guys glad I am not on my own with this one


    1. I just wrote a long reply and got bounced. Anyway, will try again… you are definitely not alone. Have seen spiders for 10 or so years. This was preceded by seeing 11:11 or 1:11 for years. Every day. Multiple forms (clocks, receipts, airline tickets, hotel room assignments, etc). Back to the spiders. Have seen them in all forms and sizes. Light shadow, thicker, solid. Small, big and even colored ones. Even saw other creatures in shadow form upon waking… like birds.

      I don’t think they are harmful. I was alarmed at first but after seeing so often and seeing how they always leave after a minute or less it makea them seem harmless. One time one crawled across the room on the ceiling and down the wall behind my bed. I “smashed” it upon standing up to reach it. It scattered in dozens of fragments and dissipated.

      I think they are from another dimension. I believe many of enter other dimensions when we sleep so perhaps our dimensions overlap. I think all living creatures have energy as their everlasting source and the energy circulates from dimension to dimension.

      I am not sure if the spiders are trying to communicate or bringing info from our dimension to their own. What their purpose is unclear to me. There is always just one at a time.

      I have seen them anywhere i sleep. Other people’s houses, hotels etc.

      I think we all have abilities. Most of us don’t tap into them. I have had visits and predictive info from dreams. Visits too.

      I find all of this fascinating. I am surprised society at large doesn’t delve further.


  7. I had an experience with a spider after my father passed. He died at home from Cancer after I pulled him out the hospital for his end of life care. I was with him the moment he stopped breathing. After that family came, as did the undertakers to take away his remains. The nurses and family eventually left and I was sat alone staring at his empty bed. Out the corner of my eye I caught the glimpse of what looked like a huge spider running across the floor. I was so broken that I didn’t move for grief. Moments later I experienced the same apparition jump towards my face. I’m sure I felt it brush my cheek. Again I didn’t move. What are they? I’ve heard that it is the spirit world. But what does it mean? The experience was not at all frightening for me. A week or so later I was speaking to a friend who asked me had I seen any spiders yet? This made my hairs stand on end because there is no way he could have known. WHAT ARE THEY?


  8. I’ve been seeing these “spiders” as we call them for many years. I have a pretty good idea as to what they are and what they might exist for. I only ever see them while very tired or for a short time after waking.

    We seem to equate them to spiders because they very closely resemble them. I never see anyone actually describe them in depth, so I will make an attempt here, hopefully someone else can verify this as well.

    They range in size from about the size of a quarter all the way up to (at least in my experience) the size of a single lounge chair bottom cushion.

    They are slightly ghost like. You can see through them to whatever they are crawling on. But they have substance to them.. Hard to explain that one. The color is strange.. Almost pearl like but not iridescent or color shifting. I’ve personally never seen them look dark or shadowy.

    Their movement is very slow and sort of mechanical. Its almost like they just exist for a single purpose and have no actual sense of self or Awareness of their environment. I would equate their speed to about that of a sloth maybe. They don’t get spooked and they never react to movement or changes in the environment. I’ve never seen them touch each other or bump into each other at all. Its like a flock of birds sort of. They don’t all move in the same direction though. It’s plausible in my opinion that maybe if 2 touch they become 1 larger entity. People have stated that they have tried to squish or hit them and it turns into lots of small quarter sized ones. I’ve personally never tried to touch one. It could explain the size variations and how they increase or reduce in number. Because energy cannot be created or destroyed it would only be logical that they have no capability to reproduce but are able to grow from merging and split into the small ones when hit or experience a sudden force.

    They have no discernible head or face. At least I’ve never seen a mouth or an opening. No eyes. The body is semi oval shaped closely resembling the body shape of a spider. The amount of legs they have is usually 6 but a few only have 4. Each leg is a single appendage (not segmented like a spider). Sort of like your arm is all one thing but under your skin is joints that bend and flex. Their legs flex like our knees when they move.

    No claws or sharp angled features. Everything about them seems smooth and connected completely, like they have something closely resembling a skin.

    As to their purpose, I can only partially speculate, is to recycle errant or unused energy. I strongly believe they serve the same purpose as fungus and microbes do in our world. To break down and transform energy into a different form. I believe this because they seem to be much more centralized in areas where lots of things are using electricity. Stove, microwave, fridge, coffee machine, etc.

    They are literally everywhere and on everything. They must live and exist on a different plane that is very close to ours as they only interact environmentally to our 4th dimension objects and items. I’ve never seen one appear to be floating or crawling on an invisible surface. There are trillions of them and they seem to be the most prevalent creatures in whatever plane they exist on.

    Maybe others have a better theory. Would love to hear other ideas and opinions!

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    1. I have seen a small 4 inch black one hop towards me and when I sat up and looks at it and ran under my vouch cushion into the darkness lol . So yeah they do respond and do see us see them . Seen them since I was about 4 years old until now 43 years old .


  9. So for the very first time last night I woke up at exactly 3:33 in the morning happened to look in the corner of my room and I seen a extremely large black shadow spider the lady Tracey explained you can see it’s eight legs very well you can see its body I immediately jumped out of bed scared to death grabbed my flashlight flashed my light around the corner of the room as soon as I put the light on it was gone when I turn my flashlight off it was back I jumped out of bed again flashlight against my ceiling again nothing I begin to think it’s a shadow of a spider walking somewhere around in my room casting onto my ceiling I start looking for the spider cannot see it lay back down in my bed telling myself I am crazy I am hallucinating it’s really not there I’m crazy so I’m laying there and I can’t stop staring and I am literally watching the spider crawl around the corner of my room down the next wall back to the same corner but then I seen a smaller one was climbing on my curtain rod but this was like an very dark black black one darker then what a shadow would give of completely freak out like freak out I walk out of my room to my garage to go smoke a cigarette to try to get my head together and as I’m smoking my cigarette there is a clear iced tea bottle sitting on my garage floor and I am watching the spider not quite as big as the one in my room the one of my room looks like the size of a melon look like tarantula on steroids this one was like probably a little bigger than what a normal tranchilla would look like kept going over there looking at the bottle could not see any spider I sit back down I keep staring at this bottle cuz I’m scared and I keep seeing the shadow spider i proceed to sit in my garage and pray to God please protect me cover me in with your blood send a circle of angels to protect me from whatever this is cuz at this point i don’t think I’m hallucinating go back in my room scared to go to bed the insane big old tarantula spider still in my room so I close my eyes I lay down and I continue to pray to God asking him please just let me go back to sleep please protect me while I sleep just protect me Lord this was the very first night I’ve ever had this happen to me and the reason why I know it’s 3:33 exactly in the morning is because when I jumped out of bed I looked at the clock to see what time it was the thinking maybe I just won’t go back to sleep just be up for the day I truly hope that it doesn’t happen again it really scared me I’m terrified of spiders if anybody knows what this is or why it could be happening I would love to hear all answers


    1. I also wanted to add but this is not the first time something strange has happened to me since I’ve lived in this house about 3 years now I have heard voices don’t know who the voices they are but I’ve heard them I know I’m not schizophrenic I’m coming out of my bathroom one evening and I heard somebody clear as day whisper my name thought maybe it was my boyfriend sitting on the couch letting me know he was awake nope no one there I fell asleep on my sunroom and my recliner what I thought was a dream I’m still to this day not sure if it was your dream or if it was real but I knew I was being attacked by demons I couldn’t move I couldn’t scream all I could do was scream out for Jesus help me in my mind by the second time I screamed Jesus please help me again in my mind the most brightest most beautifulest white light I have ever seen in my 43 years of living lit up my entire sunroom demons were gone and I was able to get up and move again I still don’t know if it was real or if it was dream I have heard music box playing at like 3 in the morning and no one in my home owns the music box I have seen shadows out of the corner of my eyes I have seen things crossed my floor and I’m out of the corner of my eyes I have been woken up twice in one night because I felt pressure as if somebody sat on my bed as I was sleeping you know how when you lay down and you close your eyes and you know of course the room is black but you can still see like light through your eyelids I’ve experienced where I have felt like something had just stood over me and blacked out the entire area like I said this was the first time I experienced a spider like whatever cuz ever since I was younger could always feel like I could feel things that maybe not everybody else could feel hear things that other people couldn’t hear what any of this is I don’t know why any of this is happening to me but if anybody knows anything about any of this stuff please share


  10. Actually wish we had answers to the things that many of us see spiders and shadow people. But I see people asking for answers but as you can see no one has answers it is quite frightening the fact that so many of us have seen and dealt with this many times in our lives but there are no answers to our sightings it’s obvious they are afraid of the light because they don’t appear when there is light in the room ok my psychic friends we all have questions and love to know why us and what’s the reason for it .

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    1. We see other dimensional creatures . That’s the answer . Seen them since I was 4 years old . We are special and can see things in our sleep unlike some people . The spiders do not harm us . Try talking to them next time 😊


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