Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: June 14th: Physical & Symbolic Doors to New Things and Other Dimensions, New Runic Half-Month, A Son of Odin and an Epic Song of Muses

Excitingly, we have a new Runic Half-Month beginning today that our present day Pagans who follow such paths may find interesting. This one is called Dag and it will run from June 14th – June 28th. Dag means day and it stands for opening new doors to new things. Now, if I may draw your attention to the Celtic Tree Month which is going on right now that is called Duir. It’s the seventh month but more importantly, is the great Oak tree. I bring this up because the Oak was a very powerful tree according to Druid belief. An Oak was a “door” to another dimension.

So for all my living Pagans out there, maybe you may find a link between the Rune Dag, which means opening a new door and that of the Celtic Month, Duir, which is an actual door.

A bit more on Dag, as I said above, it means Day. And what does Day symbolized? Light. This is a time of shaping the coming year, of good health and a time to prosper. Throwing light on things, new opportunities, relationships….remember, opening doors does not have to be a physical action. It can also be symbolic.

Skipping off into the Ancient World, now, we take a look at one of Odin’s sons, Vidar. This one happened to stand for stealth and revenge — two things every Norseman needed at some point or another.

Now, The Norse hold this day sacred to Vidar for good reason. He happens to have a part to play in the foretold prophecy of Radnarok. See, during Radnarok, a wolf named Fenris will break its leash. The blood of Odin is on this beast’s mind. It is foretold, though, that Vadir will slay the wolf but not before Fenris kills Odin. Like any good son would, Vadir will rule earth in place of his father, or at least that’s how the story goes.

Over in Greece, it is written that Zeus has nine daughters. Each one had a talent for something — something the Greeks enjoyed immensely– whether that something was art, song, history, tragedy, comedy, dancing and so on. These women became known as the Nine Muses which was said to inspire us all. Even today, we use the term, whether we are writing or painting or doing whatever it is we do. We either claim our Muse has possessed or inspire us or, we desperately beg for one of our Muses to. If you love to pay homage to the Muses, well today is your lucky day. Wish them a Happy Birthday and maybe, just maybe, a Muse will smile down on you.

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