Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: June 26th: Iceland’s Shadow and Fortuna



What was the Journey to the Center of the Earth based on? Surely the theories of a hallow earth, or civilizations living within did not begin in fiction. And if that is what you were thinking, then you are right. One possible beginning to such beliefs could have been the Shadow of Scartaris, which came from Icelandic beliefs and traditions who would have been paying honors on this Ancient day in history past. It was said that the very TIP of the Shadow of Mount Scartaris had a secret door or entrance that led into the center of our Earth. And while many stories of such circulated, one of them was the fact that monsters lives within. Kind of interesting since Iceland just had an eruption, hu?

In Rome, offerings would have been given to the Goddess Fortuna on this day who happened to be one of the most beloved deities. Probably because everyone wanted heirs, good luck, and wealth. And who better to give that than a happy Goddess?



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