Category Archives: Column: Magical Moon Phase

This Column is posted four or more (depending on eclipses, second New Moons, etc.) a Month. It includes the Moon Phase and Date, of course, but also the magical uses for those moons, what they symbolize and how one may better use them. Sometimes a spell or ritual is included or a bit about the Goddess we may invoke or pay respects to.

Magical Moon: July 26th, 2016

78ec3f1d481ce3e75ae173aa9eb5686c.jpgOn July 26th, 2016, the night shall bring forth the Last Quarter Moon, otherwise known as the Waning Moon.

This, again, is another Crone Moon, which can be used for any magic of decrease.  (Remember, that the New or Waning Moon is used for magics of increase.)

While the New Moon moves from Dark to Full, the Last Quarter moves from Full to Dark.

This is a good time to banish things you no longer need or want in your life. This is also a great time to reverse anything you may need to rework or to end things that need put to an end, like friendships, projects, relationships with those who are toxic or for lovers that are no longer needed in one’s life.

This is a time of retribution and a time to thank the Mother for all that she has given us—gardens, blessings and gifts.

Magical Moon Phase: July 19th, 2016


June 19th, 2016 brings forth a Full Moon.  The Full Moon is a Mother Moon and as we all know, it is a powerful moon. Think of a woman who is pregnant. Her moods are heightened and they seem to affect all those around her. That being said, it should come to no surprise that the effects of a Full Moon and it’s influence can be felt three days before it comes and three days after.

This is a great time to complete any magic or spells that you have been working on or need to cast. It is a wonderful Moon to focus on success, all that you wish and hope to gain and anything you need to accomplish.

This is a great phase to heal or to be healed. It can also serve to empower us, especially when you think about the effects that a Full Moon has on us as a whole.

Its is the perfect opportunity to tap into or use any psychic abilities you have as they too will be increased and easy to trigger.

This is a strengthening moon, so be sure to invoke all of it’s blessings unto you and or others. It is a time of love, when possibility can be made into reality. It is a time of prophetic dreams and a great moment to work on matters of the home, beauty, money, fertility.

Magical Moon: July 11th, 2016

красавица-лунаOn July 11th, 2016, the night sky will gift us with a First Quarter Moon that is also known as the Waxing and Maiden Moon.

During this time, the Moon shall bloom from dark to full and it is a great time for magics of increase.

This means, this is a time to invoke growth and new things.  Focus on bringing forth positive blessings into in your life, like luck and love.

Focus on the Maiden aspect of the Goddess. She is young, energetic, determined, fearless, renewed and full of life. She is just experiencing things for the first time, getting a sense of herself and of all things around her. She has a sense of unattached freedom and yet, she can feel her connection to nature as it flows vivaciously through her.

Magical Moon: June 27th, 2016


On June 27th, 2016, the night shall bring forth the Last Quarter Moon, otherwise known as the Waning Moon.

This, again, is another Crone Moon, which can be used for any magic of decrease.  (Remember, that the New or Waning Moon is used for magics of increase.)

While the New Moon moves from Dark to Full, the Last Quarter moves from Full to Dark.

This is a good time to banish things you no longer need or want in your life. This is also a great time to reverse anything you may need to rework or to end things that need put to an end, like friendships, projects, relationships with those who are toxic or for lovers that are no longer needed in one’s life.

This is a time of retribution and a time to thank the Mother for all that she has given us—gardens, blessings and gifts.