Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: June 17th: So Close and Yet So Far, A Festival of the Bards and a Little Something for the Fisherman


Long, long ago, a serpent bit a Greek Nymph named Eurydice. The poison killed her and while unfortunate and unexpected things tend to happen, even to those blessed and touched by the gods, her husband, Orpheus, refused to let her be lost to the Land of the Dead.

The story goes that Orpheus went into the Underworld charming Persephone with nothing more than a song. The words and melody moved the Goddess of Spring so much that she granted Orpheus the gift of returning to the Land of the Living, with his beloved, Eurydice, under one condition.

He must never look back. Never must his eyes catch the reflection of Hades.

Strange, how Gods and Goddesses give such strange conditions. Never the less, Orpheus didn’t listen no more than he was able to leave the Land of the Dead. -Sighs- So close, Orpheus, and yet so, so, far.

For that, the Greeks would have honored Eurydice on this day, for we all know how much the Greeks love their Nymphs.



Let us all raise a glass, pint or goblet to the Welsh on this day for as soon as the sun sets, they shall all give rise to Gwy o Bardd, a festival of the Bards. It will not end until June 22 when the sun sets.

Rome had a festival that was called Ludi Piscatari, which was known to be sacred to fishermen. See, even Rome knew not to bite the hands that worked to feed them.


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