Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: June 11th : Roman Luck, Fertility, and Well-Being


Maybe Rome learned from earlier cultures, but they sure reflected what was most important in life and in their own society through their festivals and who they chose to honor and of course, why.

Let today be no different, if we flipped the pages of history back to June 11th, which in Rome was known to be sacred to none other, than their Goddess Fortuna, who was patron of luck, women and fertility.

Another ritual done by Roman women on this day was celebrating, Matralia, which honored the Goddess Mater Matuta, who stood for dawn and rebirth. Women who had only married once, would go to her Temple located in the Forum Boarium and place a wreath by the Goddess’s statue. There, they could ask the Goddess for continual blessings and good health concerning the younger generations of their family for the year to come. After asking on behalf of nieces, nephews, younger cousins and siblings, they were then allowed to press the Goddess concerning their own children.

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