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Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: January 28, 29, 30, 31



January 28—Thursday:

I am gaining new respect from the Norse and today is only once more shining example as to why. They are celebrating something called Upelly-Ah.  Scottish folk adapted this from the Norse, which means it will be going on in both cultures.

So what is it? Well it marks the end of Yule and what better way to do that with a huge slam dunk of a celebration? But you must do it right! And in order to send Yule off good and proper, a rowdy march must be sported through the town while carrying torches and a Viking Longboat through it’s streets. Afterwards, we will thrust the boat into the sea and burn it. (We have all seen that one in movies one form or another). Now the huge fire from that represents the old, dead year which has come to pass.

Less not forget that today is also the Runic Half Month of Elhaz—or rather its beginning.

January 29—Friday:

*sighs* what the Romans are doing today maybe something we need in our own day and age. the 29th marks their grand Festival of Peace. Dedicated to the Goddess Pax AND the Greek Goddess Eirene—both being deities of the same desire—PEACE. Pagans, I say light your candles this day and pray to either of these lovely ladies if Peace is in deed your wish for our crumbling world. Stir up some energy and manipulate something.

January 30—Saturday:

Well, now that the ‘whole’ peace issue is dwelt with, how about some fresh partying? Today happens to be the Festival of Sementivae Feriae in ROME. The whole shebang is to honor Ceres, their goddess of agriculture. Also Demeter in Greek minds, having been adapted into Rome during 496 BCE after suffering a brutal stretch of famine there.  During that bought of starvation, the Sibylline Oracles prophesied to Rome that the Goddess was urgently needed. Listening, she was embraced by the Roman people, but particularly worshipped by women in the way most Goddesses are—her rituals and rites kept secret to women so that Historians were unable to record them.

While Rome is insuring bountiful harvest, Egypt is celebrating the Day of Opening the Doors at Karnak. Karnak being something like the suburbs of Thebes and capital of Egypt itself. Many, many Pharaohs added their own touch to the temple at Karnak.

January 31—Sunday

Wishing January goodbye on this day….universally and by path of ancient, while the Eve of February or Eve of Imbolc, is among us and so is the Imbolc Festivals (ancient and new). Imbolc also known as Brigantia, spawns from the Irish definition ‘in the belly’ pertaining to the pregnancy of ewes.

This celebration will take place tomorrow between the Observances of Yule and the blessed vernal equinox. Our focus, as our ancestors focus, will be on the COMING OF LIGHT and the longing of days which comes about during spring. I say bring it on, bring it on….I am so over Winter.

Now interestingly enough, the Norse is stirring things up again, making today sacred to the Valkyries and Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld, who are said to sit by Urd’s Well under a Yggdrasil tree while determining the fates of men and gods.

But in Greece, we have a feast for Hecate—the Goddess of Night, the underworld,  of love and passion.  I adore Hecate.


Interested in the days of the week?

Thursday belongs to the deity Thunor, also known as Thor, who is the God of Agriculture and Thunder.


Thursday are Great for Dealing with Matters or Magical Spells & Rituals Concerning:

Passions & Desires—what do you want in your life?

Political Power—you can influence this for yourself or for what you desire on this day.

Speculating & Gambling—someone have a problem? Do you need help or luck?

Legal Matters, Treaties, Oaths—today is a great day to deal with these.

Harvests—perhaps you buy your food and this doesn’t;t matter to you but today you could make sure someone else has a good harvest. Maybe you could see to it that they have a meal for Thanksgiving?


Thursday represents The Planet Jupiter and The Element of Fire


Friday belongs to Frigga or Venus—Goddess of Love and Transformation.


Fridays are excellent days to deal with matters or magical spells & rituals concerning…

Family life, friendship, growth, harmony, love, romance, passion.


Planets & Elements

Venus and the element of Earth


Saturday is the day of Seatere, Seater, Saturn, and Loki—trickster of the Norse Culture.


Saturday is a good day to deal with matters and or invoke magical spells concerning:

A Gift of some sort, and or maybe something to do with your property?

Are you moving your home? Is someone else moving their home? Do you have matters concerning the elderly and or maybe you need to work on self discipline?


Remember that Saturday belongs to Saturn and the Element of Earth.



Sunday is all about the Sun God Hellios, Apollo, Ogmios and, Mithras or Phoebe: The Sun Goddess


Sunday is a good day to deal with matters or magic concerning:

Your creativity—or be creative. Maybe someone else? How about matters of hope or personal money issues? What of victory, anything agriculture, perhaps healing, or a career? Do you have or need ambition and or most importantly, self confidence?


Sunday represents the Sun and the element Fire.



Wishing everyone a GREAT WEEKEND!!!

C.H. Scarlett


Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: January 19, 20, 21


January 19

We have an observance for Thor today in Norse culture also known as Thorrablót. On this occasion, Thor represents the spirit of winter.  Interestingly enough, Thorrablót was actually outlawed in Iceland in 1000CE or so. Two hundred years later, it resurfaced. Some common things you might see during this observance is lunch served in a wooden box. Aged shark, testicles of sheep, ewe’s face might be some of the things in it. Yum!


Today is Husband’s Day in many parts of the world.


And in Egypt, we will have the Festival of Lights which concerns and celebrates the Goddess Neith.



January 20th

Busy day in the Ancient World today!


In Wales the dogs of the underworld will be let loose tonight! Known as Cwn Annwn—if you hear their howling beware for its an omen of destruction!!!!


Today is Agnes Eve and its a time for divination by way of Fire.


Egypt will be holding a festival for Osiris so get whatever ready all you Egyptian fans and have at it!


Mark off the Celtic Calendar because the Tree Month of Beth Ends today!



January 21


Light those candles and prepare thy flame because today is Agnes’ Day whereas last night was it’s Eve. Remember, this day celebrates Divination by Fire. I for one will be lighting up because I so luuuuuuuuuuuuuurve FIRE!


Celtic Tree Month of Luis officially begins today!!!!!!!!




Pagan Holidays for March 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2010


Hoping this new system of doing the Pagan Holidays is working for everyone…doing them ahead of time so YOU can plan ahead. Let me know if its not.


Now, let’s break the silver and step back through time to see what our Ancient Pagan Ancestors were doing….


Monday March 15, 2010

Of course the Greeks will be starting off the week by having a Festival for their Goddess Rhea, who happened to be the daughter of Uranus and Gaea. Rhea was said to be the mother of Zeus. Priests of Rhea were called Curetes and her rituals and rites were made up of noisy dances, feasts and so forth. Why? Because when Rhea gave birth to Zeus, there seemed to be trouble amongst the gods. She had to flee to an island named Crete in order to hide from the God Cronus. While giving birth to Zeus, the sounds were covered up by her aids, Curetes–demons who beat on their shields with their swords in order to prevent any of the Gods from hearing her child bearing screams.

Rome will not be without their version of Rhea either today, whom they renamed and called Cybele. Cybele was their Mother Goddess and today, the Romans would throw her and her lover Attis a great festival. All Pagans will be allowed sexual freedoms on this day…only to be followed by 9 days of abstinence and fasting!

It is also the Ides of March in Rome.

Tuesday March 16, 2010

Romans and Greeks will be having festivals for Dionysus today. In Rome, today will kick off a two day festival called Bacchanalia–for their God Bacchus (their version of Dionysus) while the Greeks kick off one for Dionysus AND his counterpart Hellenic.

Now, while the Greeks will be having orgies among other things…

Prisoners are also to be set free on this day and any Debt owed, may not be seized.

And in Rome, any young boy which has reached his manhood, will be allowed to wear the toga virilis—a white toga of course symbolizing his manhood.


Wednesday March 17, 2010

In many Pagan traditions, we will see the rebirth of the Green Man. He represents the forces of Nature and the forthcoming of Spring!

The Celtic Tree Month of Nuin Ends today.

The Babylonians will be having a festival for Astarte today!

The second day of the Roman festivals that began yesterday, will keep going today under the name of Liberalia–in name of their God Liber while the Greeks also keep going with their festivals for Dionysus and Rome’s Bacchus.

Thursday March 18, 2010

We get to peek in on Ireland today who will be having their festival of Sheela-na-gig : their Goddess of Fertility.

The story goes that many, many suns ago, on this very day, Sheela-na-gig decided to wade into a secret spring. But while doing so, she released the sacred waters causing them to spread all across Ireland-she is the womb which springs all life.

The Celtic Tree Month of Fearn Begins


Friday March 19, 2010

The Greeks will have what is called a Lesser Panathenaea for their Goddess Athena.

In Rome, they will have a day called Quinquatrus, a great festival for their Goddess Minerva.

And the Celtic Goddess Nemetona will have her sacred day as well, who is also called Blodeuwedd in Wales. Give thanks to her for watching over our outdoor places of worship.

The Goddess Month of Moura Ends.

Saturday March 20, 2010

SPRING EQUINOX Note: (How Easter was Born!)

The Druids will be having the EVE of their soon to be Festival of Alban Eilir. The symbol is a 3 leafed Shamrock–symbolizing the 3 aspects of the awakening of the Goddess. 1. Spring at Imbolc, 2. the growth and beginning growth at Alban Eilir, and 3. the peak of summer at Beltane. Alban Eilir is a time when Day and Night are equal—a time of balance.

Today is Ostara or in ancient times known as Eostre. Ostara is a goddess who protects children but is also the deity of growth and rebirth. Interestingly enough….The Goddess was famous for the ways in which she would entertain small children—one of which by hatching bunnies out of chicken eggs…Ostara gave rise to Easter.

The Norse will also be having something for their Goddess Idun, their Goddess of youth and fertility. Idun keeps the apples of life—which is what keeps the Gods young. She is the ONLY Goddess allowed to pick these apples.

Once, Idun was kidnapped by the Norse storm giant Thiazi, who sought to have the apples for himself and deny them to all the other Gods. So, the other Norse Gods sent Loki to rescue her. Loki used Freya’s falcon cloak to rescue her from Thrymheim. Thiazi turned into an eagle and chased them but was soon defeated by Aesir gods when they set his wings on fire.

The Goddess Month of Columbina Begins.


Sunday March 21, 2010

Today is the Vernal Equinox, the sun is directly over the equator today and so marks the beginning of Spring.

Today is the Druid Festival of Alban Eilir.

Today is the observance for Ostara.

The Irish said that their city Tara was founded by two princesses Tea, and Tephi today.

And Egypt will be having a coming forth of the Great Ones from the House of Ra.


Well that’s it for this week! Wishing everyone a fabulous Spring!


C.H. Scarlett



And thanks to Pagan Days for all the help with the holidays!

Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays for February 18, 19, 20, 21


27183 February 18th

Good-bye to Parentalia –the six day Observance for Parents (the Manes) who have passed. The temple is shut down and all marriages forbidden.


An Observance for for women—celebrating the rites of Fertility called Spenta Armaiti will be celebrated in Ancient Persia today.


The Celtic Tree Month of Nuin Begins

February 19th

The Roman Goddess named Minerva was born today, so the Gods and Goddesses will be throwing down and having one Hades of a good time where ever they are. *sings its your birthday!*


Goddess Month of Bridhe Ends

February 20th

*Review Days at The Pagan and the Pen*

Today in Ancient Rome was once of silence—honoring and doing rites for Dea Tacita—their Goddess of quiet. It’s a good thing because I have a feeling after Minerva’s birthday party, they are probably all hung over anyway—and who wants noise during a HANGOVER?


The Egyptians aren’t going to be quiet, though, because today in their Ancient calendar is a festival for their God Min. He just so happens to be one of the earliest fertility Gods. So calling all wanna-be Daddies—call on out to Min for he is said to have the power to give MEN the power to father children.


The Goddess Month of Moura Begins today.

February 21

Today in Ancient Egypt is the Day of Counting the Parts of the Eye of Horus according to Pagan Daybook. The sun and moon are said to be his eyes so how appropriate that today (Eastern) is the First Quarter—half moon symbol.