Ancient Calendar: Ancient Egypt: July 12, 2010


Sokar is a funerary god of Ancient Egypt. He was drawn as a man with the head of a hawk and today, in Ancient History, Egyptians had a holiday in his honor at his temple.

Also, in Ancient Egypt, today would have been the Festival of the Estate of Ptah. Ptah happened to be the first of all Egyptian Gods and happened to be the creator of the world. Egypt is the broken and combined word–Het Ka Ptah–meaning The House of the Spirit of Ptah.

Source: Pagan Days.



Monday (moon day) is the day of the Moon Goddess, Selene, Luna, & Mani.


Mondays are an awesome day to take care of matters or magical rituals and spells concerning:

Traveling, memory, one’s instinct, sharpening or increasing Psychic abilities, dreams, healing, home, ancestors and of course, family.


Monday belongs to the Moon and the Element of Water



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