Ancient Calendar: June 23, 2010



How about some Irish lore on this fabulous Wednesday? Cheer up. Wednesday means you are halfway there….halfway to Friday.  On the 23rd, way back in Irish Calendar, today would have been an observance for Cú Chulain. Have no idea who he is? No worries, I’m going to give you the 411 right now.

Fathered by the God Lugh, Cú Chulain’s mother, Deichtine, was the King Conchobar mac Nessa. Now interestingly enough,  Cú Chulain was named after a dog he killed when he was a child. The crazy and mean dog belonged to a Smith named Culann. And since Cú Chulain killed his only means of a watch dog, he had to do the duty until the Smith could get another replacement. *raises brow* The things half gods are made to do, ya know?

Anyway, the Irish really adored Cú Chulain because their lore says that by the age of seven, the boy was a feirce warrior. But this came to no surprise or shock mind you, because a great Druid gave him the prophecy of Cathbad, swearing that Cú Chulain would be an eternal flame–although his life would be short, he would live forever.

Of course later on as Cú Chulain grew up, his tale becomes even more bizarre and wild. Sources list him as being trained by Scáthach (a sorceress & famous warrior) in Scotland. But he screwed that up after sleeping with the enemy of Scáthach. And then after the enemy told him she was with child, he kind of played the dead beat dad and took off. His story only becomes even more depressing because later in life, he ends up killing his own son, named Connla, even though Cú Chulain was clueless that he was his own.

What he was most praised for, though, was his brave defense as he stood before the armies of Queen Medb of Connact. It is said that Cú Chulain took every single one of her warriors on…one by one. While it went on for months and months and months, Cú Chulain became the victor.

But alas, Cú Chulain met his final end by Queen Medb’s hands, who wasn’t such a silly Queen after all. No, she found every single one of Cú Chulain’s enemies and brought them forth to face him. Eventually Cú Chulain took his last breathe. And if you don;t believe me…the next time you are in Dublin, I am told there is a statue of Cú Chulain in front of the General Post Office which shows him and his death.


Hope you enjoyed some Irish lore today! See you tomorrow for another Ancient Calendar!





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