Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays for February 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th

February 11th

On this day, in the year 1858, the haunting image of Our Lady at Lourdes suddenly appeared in a grotto keeping the shrine of the Goddess for many, many centuries. After the apparition and even before, the spring there has been a place people have gathered to gain healing and or special prayer.


In many ancient cultures, today was actually the Lunar New Year or New Year’s day.


In Abydos Egypt, today will be the Feast of Osiris. (Urban Paganism)


February 12th

Today marks the holy day of Artemis, also known as Diana. (Urban Paganism)


In some Ancient cultures, today was actually their sacred Imbolc.


Today symbolizes the good devouring the darkness as the Runic-Half Month of Sigel begins.



February 13th

For the next eight days, Parentalia—a huge festival in Rome, will be running. This Festival is for the dead as the spirits of our parents are honored throughout the week. The Romans connected this festival with the Manes—who were dead, and immortal, but not gods. Now in the spirit of Urban Paganism—in many Roman cities there existed a vast, huge pit covered up by one huge stone. Inside this pit, was the path into the Underworld—the path of the Manes.


Old Leap Years Day—in many ancient calendars.


Today in Egypt, there is another feast of Osiris, only this time the feast will be held in Busiris.


Welsh Culture gives us a festival called Gwyl o Don a Cerunnos—held for the Goddess mother Don and the honored God of the forest Cerunnos. The Festival will begin at sundown and will not end until sundown on February 21.


February 14th



In Rome, today is sacred to Juno Februa—their Goddess of Looooooooooooooove! Before dreaming, a girl should decorate her pillow with five bay leafs—this will let her dream of her lover. Others should wear a yellow crocus which is believed to attract their true love.


The Norse will be celebrating Valisblot –a feast for Vali—during which the light triumphs over darkness. Vali was the son of Odin and Rind.
