Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays for February 1, 2, 3

Neil Geddes Ward

HAPPY PAGAN HOLIDAYS!!!! Seems we have the first of the month so let’s dig in and see what we have, shall we?

Art by : Neil Geddes Ward


Today is the wonderful festival of Imbolc or sometimes known as Brigantia. Imbolc & Brigantia has Irish meaning. Imbolc means in the belly in reference to the EWES & pregnancy, while Brigantia, otherwise known as Brigit is the Celtic Goddess of women & childbirth, weathering seasons, doctors/healers, poets, smiths (blacksmiths), etc.


Something in Greece is stirring today…something known as the LESSER Eleusinian Mysteries. Just by the name, it has me interested. *winks* These mysteries are dedicated to Demeter and her daughter Persephone. Now don’t let the term LESSER confuse you either because it just so happened that these celebration were the most sacred of all rites to those in Greece.


Today is also Cross-Quarter Day and the Kalends of February.

February 2 

Ground Hog day to some parts of OUR world. Will we have 6 more weeks of winter or a soon return of Spring?

Now, Romans hold the Goddess Juno rather high, so there is no surprise that today is a Festival called Juno Februa. She is the wife of Jupiter and worshipped strongly by women.


In England ,or mostly Northern parts, something called Wives Feast Day took place.


The Norse gave a fertility festival today called Barri. It is to honor Gerd, who gave something very sacred to Frey, virginity, in hoped that it would ensure coming seasons and crops. In old Norse tongue, ‘barri’ means ‘grain field’.

February 3 

Good-bye Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries as Greeks bring your sacred rituals to a close.

But hello to the Goddess Brigantia, or Bride, or Brigit for today is a formal celebration making the anticipation and return of life—spring.

Resources: Pagan Daybook, Wikipedia

Paganism: The Month of February

Thee Romans had something called Juno Februa.

Interestingly enough, the term Februa is where February was said to derive from. The entire festival of Juno Februa was based on purification. In fact the root of the word Februo meant purification by way of sacrifice or rather I purify by sacrifice.’


February is known as the time of the ‘ice moon’. Also known as a time to gain personal healing by items such as amethyst or of white, and bluish-violet items. February is sacred to women—not only is it a time preparing for the rebirth of the land, but of future generations, spirituality, etc.

According to some Native American Tribes, February was known as the Hunger Moon since the heaviest snows fell making hunting hard. To other tribes, it was known as Full Snow Moon.

February represents the House of Aquarius (January 20—February 19) 11th sign

and the House of Pisces (February 20—March 20) 12th sign


Stay tuned for two more articles coming up explaining the Paganism concerning Valentine’s Day and Ground Hog’s day.