Tag Archives: free read

New Pagan titles

Here’s a free read to kick off this month’s Pagan book news – Bodelia’s Anguish – a short FREE fantasy story from SD Stevens The fury of a goddess betrayed is about to be unleashed on those she once loved.

Find it on Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and Kobo

These are not reviews – book information is taken from author and publisher sites. Pagan authors writing Pagan books are welcome to contact The Pagan and The Pen for inclusion in future roundups.

New from Moon Books – Arc of the Goddess, a month by month approach to working with the wheel of the year, from Rachel Patterson and Tracey Roberts.




Labrys and Horns, an introduction to modern Minoan Paganism, by Laura Perry.  Journey to the magical land of Minoan Crete, whose gods and goddesses are still very much alive today.




The Witch’s Book of Power, by Devin Hunter.  Published by Llewellyn, this book digs deeply into the roots of what makes a witch powerful.





Valkyries, selectors of heroes: their roles within Viking & Anglo Saxon mythology and beliefs. Written by Pete Jennings, this book brings together the historic sources to explore what and who the Valkyries are.




Fairycraft, by Morgan Daimler. Published by Moon Books, this is an in-depth manual for practicing Fairy Witchcraft including theology, fairy lore, rituals, holidays, and magical practices.




The Avalonian Oracle, by Jhenah Telyndru. Woven from threads of Welsh mythos, British legend, and Celtic Druidism, The Avalonian Oracle is a transformational journey through the sacred landscapes of Britain and a gateway to the Holy Island of Avalon. 46 beautifully illustrated cards guide seekers through an inspired reconstruction of the path of the Celtic Priestess.


Introducing Copper Age

Copper Age is a creative collaberation, which I am very proud to be half of. The other half, and founder, is artist Tom Brown – www.copperage.deviantart.com I first met Tom through Whiskey Creek Press, and fell in love with his artwork. We’ve been working together on things for a while, and are starting to put our shared work, and world out where people can see it.

At its heart, Copper age is about dreams. The explanation over at www.itisacircle.com/blog currently reads: The Copper Age, historically speaking, came before the Iron Age we now live in. Copper is not a good metal for killing people, but you can make nice body decoratons out of it. So that’s us – awen touched, tree hugging, in love with folklore and mythology, far too fond of tentacles to be healthy, HP Lovecraft influenced, and generally wandering down our own strange paths through the forests of life.

The first installment of fiction is available (free) here – http://tiny.cc/copperage and for a teaser that also includes some of Tom’s fabulous artwork, have a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62LXjm1udDM 

We also have a weekly newspaper for residents of Hopeless, Maine, written by local journalist Frampton Jones, with occasional additions from other residents. It’s a good way of finding out more about island life, and currently includes a mutant goat….  http://hopelessvendetta.wordpress.com/