What is an Eclectic Pagan?

I have used this term for years because I am very uncomfortable with labels. For some reason I have a phobia concerning them. I feel like a tight noose is constricting around my neck lol. However, these words give me a  chance to explain, in short, what my beliefs are if asked without going into detail. Some people end the conversation there, while others may extend the conversation further.

Why am I uncomfortable with labels?

I have never found one that I can stick to. And I am a firm believer that if you are going to claim to be something, you need to be loyal to that.

I can find sense in each and every label out there, but I don’t feel comfortable following, believing, or practicing any certain one with strictness.

So that is where the ‘eclectic’ comes in.  And there are many people who are eclectic even though they do lean towards one path or faith.

For instance, I know eclectic Green Witches, eclectic witches, eclectic wiccans, eclectic Druids, eclectic Satanists, and so on. I even know an eclectic Atheist or two and Christian.

I choose Pagan because it covers the entire umbrella of Paganism and in my mind, neo-paganism as well.

Pagan to me means that I find my balance in nature and the elements. I have a strong belief in energy, and am very drawn to earth, wind, fire, water, and spirit. When I think of our creators, I think of a God and Goddess if I am not thinking of them as forces of nature and energy.

I have a deep love and interest for all religions, faiths, paths, ancient and otherwise. I just can’t hang my hat at the door of any certain one. When I read something like the Ancient Greeks, my mind automatically connects the stories, deities, and metaphysics to a previous culture. I will study and research every piece of material I can find concerning a subject for as long as I can get my hands on it. I will go into time frames of obsession. For a long period, I will dive head deep into Egyptology, or Ancient Rome—all the while working out what I see as a riddle linking each and every one.

I am not offended when someone claims they believe in Jesus nor do I become angry about it. In fact, when I think of Jesus, I immediately think of Osiris or possible some Sumerian lore. I do avoid people who enforce their beliefs with dominance or superiority. If they want to get their point across then they have to approach me and mine with respect and I’ll return the favor. I have no desire to convert others and I rarely share or define the personal aspects of what it is I believe in.


Because I am at peace with that and myself. I believe if it is right for someone else, then they will find their way there on their own. Everyone in my mind has that right.

I think that everyone who goes by a certain label or even leans towards one should know the history of their faith and others. I frown when someone believes in something simply because its a majority rule. I have Christian, Druid, Satanist and other friends who I respect greatly because they know WHY they go that path. They know the not-so-good of their labels and the really awesome. They have some knowledge concerning other beliefs as well and know clearly as to why they don’t believe in it. That to me makes a person very wise and secure with their own minds and self. I think knowledge is key and everyone has the freedom and ability to seek knowledge out. So before condemning something or boasting about it, we should all practice strong minds in knowing why or why not.

I think if someone says, “That person is going to hell and is a devil worshipper.” (expressing this in a negative light) Then they should know why—understand that faith more instead of going by stereotypes or what the neighbor says.

Do I believe in Evil?

The only evil that I have experienced is in people. Now maybe that’s not the definition at all but its where I can slump rapists, pedophiles and serial killers. Evil to me is an act against the self or another. I can honestly say no more because I have not walked in their shoes nor would I want to.

What is the dark?

I believe the word dark defines perfect balance.

Do I worship false gods and so forth?

I believe in me and mine. If I have a problem, I am responsible for that. No one has the power to save me but myself. I do believe in guidance, something or someone standing by in case we need the blindness wiped from our eyes. I have lit a candle for strength, prayed to a source for clarity, but in the end, all the answers are inside of me. When I need to feel personal with greater energies, I have imagined that energy to be a Goddess—the Goddess mother of us all. It makes sense to me that I have a mother—with or without form—and we all need to feel like we connect with something greater than ourselves at times.

The power within

I believe we all have the power to manipulate energies, change our stars, direct our own destinies, and so forth. Our lives, our power over them. It’s easy to hope that someone or something will save us but I have found, in my own personal life, that I get quicker results and a feeling of completion if I get off my butt and save myself.

Anyway, I am an eclectic Pagan—and that’s a little about me lol.

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5 thoughts on “What is an Eclectic Pagan?”

  1. I found some very interesting points in this post, Bryn. Some encouraging thoughts to look into and think about, that will hopefully help pull me out of my current tail spin. You’ve reminded me that there’s more out there to draw strength from, and this came at just the right time for me. You are a gem. Thanks.



  2. YUP – totally understand where ya coming from on all that, and I relate entirely. Still got one foot (or possibly a big toe) in the Christian world me (as I’m still an Anglican priest).

    But I also see myself as an eccletic and with a deep Pagan heart beat.

    Mark T


    1. Being a Christian and pagan is not so strange Mark. I have read some who claim that THAT’S what the original Christians were 1/2 of both. What I read said they were called Christians until those in Rome claimed the name and then labeled them as Gnostic. I don’t know and don;t think they are the Gnostics we know today though. After it happened, I think whoever these people were split up into secret societies or whatever. I knew of one group (had their name) that was wiped out during the Crusades. Anyway, they believed in a God and Goddess and all that.


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