Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: July 20: Thoth


In Ancient Egyptian Calendar, as we have seen, this month seems like a BIG one. Today proves to be no different as the Ancient Egyptians would have been having a Feast for Thoth.

Thoth might have been one of the most popular gods, who not only survived myth and time, but also found his way into other cultures and belief systems. (Think Hermes, etc). Thoth was famous in Egyptian history, though, for inventing writing, astronomy, music, art and time and magic.

Many believe that Thoth wrote The Emerald Tablets, and may have even come from Atlantis. When the city was destroyed, however, Thoth was told by his masters of light to go into the North and create a city of enlightenment there which would spread the truth and wisdom of Atlantis, forever more. Thoth did, and created Egypt.

So today, light your candles for Thoth for all the marvelous things he did and may still be doing. I know I will as he has always had a special place in my heart—for some weird reason or another lol.


2 thoughts on “Ancient Calendar & Pagan Holidays: July 20: Thoth”

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