Magical Moon: June 20th, 2016


June 20th, 2016 brings forth a Full Moon.  The Full Moon is a Mother Moon and as we all know, it is a powerful moon. Think of a woman who is pregnant. Her moods are heightened and they seem to affect all those around her. That being said, it should come to no surprise that the effects of a Full Moon and it’s influence can be felt three days before it comes and three days after.

This is a great time to complete any magic or spells that you have been working on or need to cast. It is a wonderful Moon to focus on success, all that you wish and hope to gain and anything you need to accomplish.

This is a great phase to heal or to be healed. It can also serve to empower us, especially when you think about the effects that a Full Moon has on us as a whole.

Its is the perfect opportunity to tap into or use any psychic abilities you have as they too will be increased and easy to trigger.

This is a strengthening moon, so be sure to invoke all of it’s blessings unto you and or others. It is a time of love, when possibility can be made into reality. It is a time of prophetic dreams and a great moment to work on matters of the home, beauty, money, fertility.

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