Magical Healing

Loveyoudivine has a whole line devoted to medical fiction. I can’t claim to be a fan of mainstream medicine, but I’ve written a few tales none the less. My stories are largely about magic, not conventional prescriptions.

Nothing hurts the soul like a lack of love in someone’s life. Isolation, loneliness, loss of self worth and depression so often stem from not feeling loved. Many more physical diseases are caused, or agrivated by stress. Affection, care and love will all ease these in a way that pills can’t. We all need to be loved, and there is no greater magic than soul deep connection between people.

‘Enchanted Waters’ is a heart healing, magical story, involving two women who meet at a sacred spring during critical moments in the lives. Passion and desire play their part in easing wounded souls.

‘Alternative Therapies’ is another f/f tale, this time pitching a conventional doctor against an alternative practitioner, with dramatic results! The culture clash may be fierce, but so is the love that grows from it.

‘Headfuck’ is the tale of soul healer Bee, who encounters a severly damaged man, and can’t get him out of her head. Once again, it is the power of love that brings healing – her magic, determination and courage will save him from despair.

‘Dream Doctor’ explores some of the stranger conditions that exist around sleep dysfunction, and a psychologist brave enough to bring a deeply distubed woman out of a living hell.

My most recent medical tale has a Victorian setting, and is less overtly pagan. When the Doctor Comes is a tale about throwing cauton to the wind, defying convention and choosing love rather than security. It’s a passionate story of a taboo relationship between a doctor and a married woman who is his patient. Fellow pagan and pen blogger NJ Winter did me a gorgeous cover for this one.

All of my healing stories are available from

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